Friday, March 12, 2021

Day in the Life - March 9, 2021


A few Photos from March 9th, 2021

Hi. It's me, Andi. Miss me?

I actually have a lot of blog posts that are in draft form, that I haven't published.
Things that are along the lines of COVID. Thoughts, etc. I'm still not ready to share them.

So, here I am with my DITL photos. One sheet.  I have another.

So, around here:

I am finally kicking a cold that hit me March 3rd. A nasty one!  Here's the thing about colds in this day (still COVID season)  and age (mine):  Everyone thinks you have COVID, and if you go to the doctor (I went twice - due to swollen lymph nodes for days, and a sore throat for three days) - all they think about is COVID.  

This was the first day I went back to my real office since last Wednesday, so a week! My coworkers were very cautious. Basically, I hid in my office and avoided people as best I could. No one wanting me there. Which I get. I am the same exact way. I told them 'its a cold' and I am past the contagious phase (cough, cough, horrid voice).... while totally masked.  And, I carried cleansing wipes where-ever I went. 

Here's how the day went: 
So.. on March 9th:
5am: I got up early to go back to work, in my office, after being out for days. 
5:20 am: I  tried a cup of coffee at 5:20 am. Could not finish it. Still tastes like crap - taste buds are off.
6 am: While driving out: Noticed we had more snow.. Oh boy. But the 'fun' 'cover the world in frosty goodness and take photos' type of snow. Which I attempted. 
6:15 am: I picked up a Earl Grey Latte, from the Little Pig. Tasted so much better than coffee!
Got to work about 6:45 am. I am usually there at 6:30 am. Because I am the early girl and clean most surfaces as the COVID safety person. Out of 75 people in the building. It's me. I discuss this in one of the draft posts. Spoiler: So many people do not follow the guidelines!!! 

7:00 am: At my desk and ready to go! Also had my Mamma Chia energy stuff: tip from my early morning workout instructor/friend/PT guru.

10:28 am: After having a co-worker tell me I should go to the doc to get antibiotics for an infection (oh, this is the coworker who GAVE me the cold!), I went back to the clinic I was at on Friday. On Friday, all they cared about was COVID. I was negative at that time. 
Today? Ditto. They wanted to make sure I did not have a false negative. So, there I was, with another COVID test, that came out negative. Followed by a strep test which was negative. So, it's a COLD. 
I have named my cold, the cold from hell.

Noon: Lunch was hot and sour soup.  Warm things taste wonderful. Except for coffee. 

4:00 pm: Head home. Different weather conditions. Beautiful and sunny. In driveway I see the pear trees are starting to bud!  YIPPEE! 
Cocktail: Because I was just plain tired of it all. As in (I don't give a ...) Hello vodka martini. First one in ages.

Gorgeous light coming in the windows... the days are getting longer. LOVE it.

Dinner: Grandma's Chicken soup, that I made on Friday.... and have been eating daily. This is the last bowl left. 
6:45 pm: Phil fell asleep in his chair. 
I went to bed around 8:30 pm or so.....

And that,, was my day.

Exciting, eh? 

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