Saturday, April 29, 2023

Week in the Life - Tuesday... April 25th, 2023

So, of all the days this past week (I started writing this later, on Friday), Tuesday was my 'strange' day.

It was strange in that I was having very odd muscle or vein spasms. They were 'throbbing'. I could 'feel' them, and see the pulsing in my arm. They started in my knee the week before, then moved to my left arm on Sunday, and then to left side of my neck, on Tuesday. That's when I panicked.  

I felt like something was wrong. And it was worse in the morning. I wasn't thinking clearly, and my head was tingling... similar stuff happens when I get a migraine. I did have a pain behind my left eye. 

I visited our office MA's, and they said it sounded like my circulation system was 'odd', like a pinched nerve somewhere. I wasn't having chest pains, so not a heart issue. 

So, I went to the Doctor, to get checked out. He couldn't find anything obvious. No pain, no bad headache, all my reflexes were good, etc. etc. etc. He ordered a Cat Scan, which still has not been scheduled by the hospital... Gotta love Rural Health Care. 

So far, no answers. And I now, am 'back' to me. 

It's as if I had some sort of episode. and, it was all on the left side of my body too. 

Makes me, well, freaked out. 


OK, so on to Tuesday.

Other highlights (as if the above wasn't enough):
  • It was Phil's Chemo Day... this happens 1.5 hours away. Again, rural living. 
  • Phil burned the borrow ditches along the highway when he got home.
  • Well, the fire caught a wooden fence post - a railroad tie actually. And he did a few trips taking gallons of water to it. I wanted to help! So I loaded up two buckets in the back of my car. And yes, they did slosh around. Whatever 
  • A neighbor called later, after we we cozy on the couch and watching a show, about the 'fire'. He had go out again... 
  • Today was Johnnie's first birthday. Katie's 2nd child. Phil forgot to call her. Even though he was reminded a couple of times. Chemo brain. Or just plain 'I'm doing other things' brain. 
We are both having memory issues right now!

photos from the day.... 
Tuesday's Dinner was burritos. I cooked.
Love the message at the bottom of the Tillamook cheese bag!
To see these photos larger, just click on them

Drive home? Led Zeppelin 
(I just noticed my photos are in reverse!)

I love that the weather is finally warmer! Wearing no sleeves and my fun shoes.
At work I wear a sweater over my shirt. 

Doctor's Office

During lunch on Monday I got a great salad from a favorite coffee shop!
I didn't get a photo of the salad. 
This is from their IG account. 

My daily grind. This is my work calendar for the week.  
I leave home at 6am, and get back about 4:30 pm.
Typically. Depends on meetings, etc. 

And my personal calendar to jot those crazy thoughts
I get throughout the day. I was documenting the health stuff on one side,
Sami's wedding stuff on the other side

My fun shoes! Pink Rothy's
So happy to have exposed skin again, meaning,
not living in Smartwool sox or boots

Phil has been working on our yard
Look how lovely it is!
I cleaned out the flower beds. 
They are on my 'to do' list!

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