Saturday, April 29, 2023

Week in the Life - Wednesday, April 26 2023

What were Wednesday's highlights?

Walked Tommie before work.
Walked with Sami and Duke during my lunchbreak

And, at work we had a hosted a public meeting in response the the outcry from neighbors of a house we bought intended as an Oxford House. To be honest, only two people were really upset. Which caused a whole community discussion. Especially on social media.  And of course one of those persons' was in the audience and he refused to sign in,  and he was so disruptive through out the meeting that it made my heart race! Ug...

The good? Total steps were: 7,745. My daily goal is 6,000.

Now, for Wednesday's photos:

Capturing Phil's morning route.
He sits in bed, with his coffee and computer 

Yes, it's Spring. Yes, it's going to be a beautiful day.
But this is how it starts! 26 degrees

See? Lovely day later. No shoes! These are our peonies... 
Sloowwwww growing

Morning capture of Sassie Kittie to the right of the door
She's actually on Tommie's old bed

Lunch time walk - never went this way on the path!

Lunch time walk with Duke and Sami Jo.
She is leash training him.
He's a big puppy!

From my morning walk with Tommie.
This is one of the ditches Phil burned yesterday

Morning walk with Tommie.
This photo was taken in our yard, facing East!

Lovely backyard!

The flower beds are ready for planting!

Our one bulb... 

If you look real hard, you can see Phil at the BBQ.
He is wearing his chemo ball pack.
This is our life. 

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